贯彻全面从严治党要求 认真抓好政工人事工作 为行业持续健康发展提供坚强有力的组织保障——在全区烟草专卖局(公司)2015年政工人事工作电视电话会议上的讲话(摘登)

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一、2014年主要工作情况(一)思想政治建设成效明显。一是坚持理论武装。突出理想信念和党性党风主题,以党组中心组学习为龙头,以政治理论学习为首要任务,以党员领导干部为重点,组织行业党员干部学习党的十八大、十八届三中、四中全会精神和习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神。分8批次选送140名领导干部参加各类学习培训。二是坚持作风建设。扎实有序推进行业第二批教育实践活动,活动涵盖全系统, I. Major Work in 2014 (I) The ideological and political construction has achieved remarkable results. First, adhere to the theoretical arm. Highlight the ideals and beliefs and the theme of the party spirit of the party to the center group to learn as a leader to study the political theory as the most important task to the leading cadres of party members as the focus of party members and cadres to learn the party’s eighteen, eighteen third, four The spirit of the Plenum and General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speeches. Divided 8 batches of 140 leading cadres to participate in various types of learning and training. Second, adhere to the style of construction. A solid and orderly promotion of the industry’s second batch of educational practice activities, covering the whole system,
在教学过程中,教学对象在认知水平、能力水平、智力品格等方面有明显差别,因此,在新课标教学中,要求教师注重因材施教,促进学生整体发展与进步。而阶梯教学法则符合循序渐进与因材施教的教学理念,紧密结合教材与生活实际,由浅及深的设计课堂教学活动,以适应个体差异,启发学生积极思维, 促进课堂教学的整体优化。对此,笔者以初中英语教学为例,思考阶梯教学法的具体运用与实践。  一、注重备课工作,巧设认知阶梯  在