我院自从1979年2月—1987年2月收治眼眶异物16例。男13人,女3人。右眼4人,左眼12人。致伤物有芦材梗、汽枪子弹、铁片、铁屑。致伤位置有眶内,眶骨壁、筛窦、眶尖。合并眼球破裂,角巩膜穿孔及网脱等。手术治疗12人,自动出院2人,保守治疗2人。 典型病例 例1:陈×,男,4岁。住院号46299。左眼被芦材戳伤,在当地医院缝合后流脓2个月。曾住我院观察室,多次取出米粒大芦材片,伤口不愈10天
Our hospital since February 1979 - February 1987 admitted 16 cases of orbital foreign body. 13 men and 3 women. 4 for the right eye and 12 for the left eye. Injuries have Lu Taili, air guns bullets, iron pieces, iron filings. Orbital injuries, orbital bone wall, ethmoid sinus, orbital apex. Combined eyeball rupture, scleral perforation and net off and so on. Surgical treatment of 12 people, 2 patients were discharged automatically, conservative treatment of 2 people. Typical Case Example 1: Chen ×, male, 4 years old. Hospital number 46299. The left eye was stabbed Lu material, pus in the local hospital after suturing 2 months. Live in our hospital observation room, many times out of rice tablets Lulu pieces, wound healing 10 days