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本刊讯(徐振乾报道)晨鸣集团白卡纸工厂积极调整产品结构,大力开发新产品,成功生产了食品卡纸和液体包装原纸,并通过专业认证,获得QS生产许可证。今年以来,该工厂从技术工艺、原辅材料、现场环境等各方面着手,精心筹备,刻苦攻关,相继成功开发了食品卡纸和液包原纸等市场前景较好的新产品,其中液包原纸是白卡纸中最尖端、最高档的食品级产品,且各项指标均达到行业标 Benxi hearing (Xu Zhen dry reported) Chenming Group white cardboard factory actively adjust the product structure, develop new products, the successful production of food cardboard and liquid packaging paper, and through professional certification, access QS production license. Since the beginning of this year, the factory has made great efforts in tackling key problems such as technical process, raw and auxiliary materials and on-site environment, and has successfully developed new products with better market prospects such as food jam and liquid raw paper base, among which liquid paper base paper Is the most cutting-edge white paper, the most upscale food-grade products, and the indicators have reached the industry standard
1671、  敏感性加戏剧化,(我的)诗的唯一!  1695、  寂静——北极上空的太阳。梁小斌钥匙丢了后,还有太阳。Emily死去后,多余的也是太阳。  1729、  我突然想,如果我在我的知青岁月读到了谷羽教授翻译的如下四行诗(别列列申:《巴西之春》),该多好:  我怀着心愿干杯,  为志向难遂的年代,  为古老的正字法,  为雪莲,为流冰涌向大海。  1734、  多好的诗句,我已在多处抄过