
来源 :广西社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cnanjr
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模因在同一文化中往往是通过模仿,尤其是语言进行传播。从模因论角度看,语言本身就是一种模因。语言经过模拟的手段得以丰富,而模因是人类与生俱来的能力。可以把文学翻译看作是异国文化的模因通过语言向本国传播的过程,文化模因的传播过程对文学翻译策略的选择产生影响。文学翻译中的归化策略是文化模因传播初期的必要阶段,异化翻译是文化模因传播发展的要求,而杂合翻译则是模因复制和传播的趋势。 Memes are often transmitted in the same culture through imitation, especially in languages. From memetics, language itself is a meme. Language is enriched through simulation, which is the innate ability of human beings. Literary translation can be regarded as the process of spreading the memes of foreign cultures to the native country through the use of language. The dissemination of cultural memes influences the choice of literary translation strategies. The naturalization strategy in literary translation is an essential stage in the early stages of cultural meme transmission, which is the requirement of cultural meme spread and heterogeneous translation is the trend of meme copy and spread.
患者,男,70岁。主诉进食时咽喉部梗阻感3个月,伴声音嘶哑2 0d ,于1985年10月13日就诊揭阳市第二人民医院耳鼻咽喉科。门诊行间接喉镜、纤维喉镜、直接喉镜检查,见会厌水肿,会
正电子发射断层摄影术(positronemissionto mography ,PET)是一种无创性、功能性显像技术,它的显像原理完全不同于CT、MRI等,其基本原理是将正电子标记核素注入人体后,正电子
患者,男,5 5岁。因声嘶3个月余伴咳嗽、气促1周于2 0 0 1年12月3日入院。入院前3个月不明原因出现声嘶,逐渐加重,反复抗炎治疗无效。入院前1个月在他院就诊发现喉部新生物,在