一个农民的儿子,一位地质工作者,大学毕业后参加工作,28年间一直在桂西和桂西北的千山万水间为祖国找矿事业洒尽心血汗水,不求功名利禄,只求默默奉献,最后无声地倒在工作岗位上…… 他就是李正海。 李正海是那样平凡、普通,又是那样伟大、崇高:
A peasant’s son, a geologist, after graduating from college to work in 28 years has been in the west and northwestern Guangxi Guishan million water for the motherland looking for mining sparing no effort, not seeking fame and fortune, just silently Dedication, and finally fell silent in the workplace ... He is Li Zhenghai. Li Zhenghai is so ordinary, ordinary, is so great, sublime: