去年是中国和德意志联邦共和国签订科学技术合作协定20周年,时至今天,两国科技合作情况如何呢?最近本刊记者就此采访了德意志联邦共和国驻华大使馆科技参赞魏瀚慈(Heinz Wirth)博士。记者:参赞阁下,去年是中国和贵国签订科学技术合作协定20周年,你能简要谈谈两国在这20年间的科技合作情况吗?参赞:首先欢迎你的到来,我们使馆和贵刊一直保持着良好的关系。同时,我对贵刊成立10周年再一次表示祝贺。
Last year was the 20th anniversary of the signing of the agreement on science and technology cooperation between China and the Federal Republic of Germany. So far, what are the scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries? Recently, the correspondents interviewed Dr. Heinz Wirth, the technical counselor of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in China. Reporter: Counselor, last year marks the 20th anniversary of the signing of the agreement on science and technology cooperation between China and your country. Can you briefly talk about the cooperation in scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries in these 20 years? Counselor: First of all, I welcome your arrival. Our embassy and your magazine have been Maintain a good relationship. At the same time, I congratulate once again on the 10th anniversary of your publication.