上海是我国薄皮甜瓜的主产地之一。近年来,郊区甜瓜的栽培面积每年都保持在200—400公顷。这类薄皮甜瓜的植株都比较矮小,长势中等,叶色深绿,叶片、花、果实、种子都比较小,果皮软薄,易破裂,不耐贮运;果肉较薄,具有芳香味,瓜瓤与附近汁液极甜,可连皮带瓤一起食用。现介绍几个上海甜瓜的优良地方品种: 1.十棱黄金瓜 又名十条筋黄金瓜,是上海地区的优良品种。果实椭圆形,果皮金黄色,果面有10条明显的白道,故名。果肉白色,肉厚1.5—2厘米,质脆味甜,有香气,折光糖10%以上,单瓜重250—500克。早熟品种,亩产可达2000公斤左右。十棱黄金瓜在上海郊区栽培面积很广,尤以原上海县七宝地区栽培的十棱黄金瓜颇为有名。
Shanghai is one of the main producing areas of China’s muskmelon. In recent years, suburban melon cultivation area maintained at 200-400 hectares annually. Such thin-skinned muskmelon plants are relatively short, medium-growing, dark green leaves, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds are relatively small, peel soft and thin, easy to break, intolerance storage; thin pulp, with aromatic flavor, melon瓤 very sweet juice and nearby, can be eaten together with the belt 瓤. Here are a few good varieties of local melon Shanghai: 1. Ten rib gourd, also known as ten gold gourd, is an excellent variety in Shanghai. Oval fruit, peel golden yellow, fruit surface has 10 obvious white, hence the name. White flesh, flesh 1.5-2 cm, crisp sweet, aroma, more than 10% of the refractive index, 250-500 grams of single melon weight. Early varieties, yield up to 2000 kg. Ten gilts of gold melon in Shanghai suburbs cultivation area is very wide, especially in the original Qibao area of Shanghai cultivation of ten edges of gold gourd quite famous.