S150型气动砂轮机主要用于清理铸件浇口、冒口、大型机件的焊缝修光及金属构件的表面修整工作。其砂轮规格: 最大砂轮直径(人造树脂砂轮) 150毫米使用气压 5公斤/厘米~2 气管内径 16毫米空转转速 5500~6500转/分空转耗气量 1.2米~3/分负荷转速 3100转/分负荷耗气量 1.7米~3/分功率 1.5马力全长476毫米机重(不包括砂轮) 5.4公斤气动砂轮机工作时噪音很大,成为附近区域的公害,影响了职工的身心健康。工人师傅通过学习声学和环境保护知识后,从中得到启发,因地制宜
S150-type pneumatic grinder is mainly used to clean the casting gate, riser, welding of large parts and metal surface repair trimming work. The wheel size: The largest wheel diameter (artificial resin wheel) 150 mm The use of pressure 5 kg / cm ~ 2 Tracheal diameter 16 mm Idling speed 5500 ~ 6500 rev / min Idling air consumption 1.2 m ~ 3 / min Load speed 3100 rev / min load Air consumption 1.7m ~ 3 / min Power 1.5hp Total length 476mm Machine weight (excluding grinding wheel) 5.4kg Pneumatic grinder work noise is very large, become a nuisance in the nearby area, affecting the physical and mental health of workers. After learning master’s knowledge of acoustics and environmental protection, the master gets inspiration from them and adjusts them according to local conditions