
来源 :煤田地质与勘探 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengyaoying
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过去,我队为了提高钢粒的淬火质量,曾多次改进加热炉和淬火方法,但都未能如愿。现在我们把电加热钢粒淬火装置改为柴油加热的办法,生产的钢粒质量满足了生产要求。操作方便、容易掌握。一、结构结构如图,分加热部分、送料部分、冷却部分和仪表部分。加热部分:用73-1型柴油机喷射咀喷油进行炉膛加热,使送料槽2的前部保持与炉膛相同的温度。当钢粒通过此段时,即完成了加热过程,其温度可由烧油量的大小来调节 In the past, my team in order to improve the quality of steel quenching, furnace and quenching methods have repeatedly improved, but failed to do so. Now we have electric heating steel quenching device replaced by diesel heating method, the production of steel pellet quality to meet the production requirements. Easy to operate, easy to grasp. First, the structure shown in Figure, the heating part of the feed section, the cooling section and the instrumentation section. Heating part: 73-1 type diesel injection nozzle for heating the furnace, so that the front part of the feed trough 2 and the furnace to maintain the same temperature. When the grain through this section, the heating process is completed, the temperature can be adjusted by the amount of oil burning
【摘要】学前英汉双语手指动作游戏是指幼儿利用人体器官——手来进行表现、想象、创造,通过手部小肌肉动作和对应言语去构造情境而开展的游戏活动,充分调动了幼儿手、口、脑等多种感官参与学习活动,形式活泼轻松,内容生动具体,可以边表演边吟唱,具有简单易学、有趣好玩的特点,深受幼儿的喜爱,在幼儿的生活和学习中有着重要的教育意义。  【关键词】学前教育 双语教学 手指游戏 动作 探究  学前英汉双语手指动作游戏