10月24日,在北京东土城南路建材经贸一条街上,一座高贵典雅的建筑旁人潮涌动、名车云集,这里正在举办时尚界的潮流盛会,不少时尚娱乐界、音乐界和国际商界等众多名流赶来见证这一中国家居界再次升级的历史时刻。这也是设计师的盛大聚会,来自意大利和法国的SERGIO GIOCONDI、UMBERTO SUPERCHI等知名设计师、建筑师,以及同样来自欧洲的顶级品牌ALTAECO瓷砖,意大利IRIS瓷砖和德国梅菲特集团等厂商巨头,也悉数到场……藉此,已吸引京城人们的意德法家整体家居体验馆开业盛典也揭开了神秘面纱。
On October 24th, in the building economic and trade street of Dongtucheng South Road in Beijing, a noble and elegant building surrounded by crowds and famous cars gathered. There is a fashion event in this area. There are many fashion entertainment, music and international business communities. Numerous celebrities came to witness this historic moment when the Chinese home industry was once again upgraded. This is also a grand gathering of designers, renowned designers and architects such as SERGIO GIOCONDI and UMBERTO SUPERCHI from Italy and France, as well as giants such as ALTAECO tiles from top European brands, Italian IRIS tiles and Germany’s Mayite Group. Fully arrived at the scene ... ... In this way, has attracted the people of Beijing Yide Fajia home experience experience opening ceremony also opened a mystery.