(A 面·淡出淡入)我们似乎在冥冥中就会和一座城市结下不解的缘分。今年夏天,由于要去一家电台而到了福州,那个被叫作“榕城”的地方。按照我的习惯,每到一地,要做的第一件事就是向当地人打听该市最大的盗版光盘集散地在何处,然后乐颠颠地跑了去。因为这样的癖好,我那些自以为豪的电影碟片购自不知多少个城市,有时候想想,我这个人的品行真是恶劣至极。在我看过的电影中,给我印象最深的城市不是法国或意大利的那些历史名城,而是拉美的一座城市,只是我已记不得它的名字了,因为在那部叫
(A side fade out) We seem to be in the middle of a city and will be brought to an end fate. This summer, due to go to a radio station and came to Fuzhou, that is called “Rongcheng” place. According to my habit, each and every place, the first thing to do is to ask the locals where the largest distribution center of pirated optical discs in the city is, and then run to Britain. Because of this hobby, I am proud of those movie discs from I do not know how many cities, and sometimes think about my character’s conduct is really extremely bad. Among the movies I’ve seen, the city that most impressed me most is not the historic city of France or Italy, but a city in Latin America, except I can not remember its name, because there