数十年来,我国民族史研究发展迅速。民族简史丛书的出版,集我国民族史研究之大成,为民族研究向纵深发展起着巨大的推动作用。有些问题是民族历史上的客观存在,在研究中是无法避免的,值得提出,共同探讨。 一、图腾崇拜 民族,是在氏族、部落等原始群体的基础上逐渐形成的。生产力的低下,决定着认识能力的低下。使用石器的原始人群,不仅对生活其间的大自然了解甚少,就是对人类自身的了解也微乎其微。至于人与自然之间的相互关系就更莫明其妙了。原始初民们凭直觉和简单的
For decades, the research on the history of nationalities in our country has been developing rapidly. The publication of a series of national history books sets the culmination of the study of the history of our nation and plays a huge role in promoting the further development of our nation. Some problems are the objective existence in the history of the nation and are unavoidable in the research. They are worth mentioning and discussed together. First, totem worship of the nation, is the clan, tribes and other primitive groups based on the gradual formation. Low productivity, determines the low ability to recognize. The primitive people who use stone tools not only know little about the nature in life, but also know little about human beings themselves. As for the interrelationship between man and nature even more baffling. Primitive people are intuitive and simple