In the summer of 1946, Chiang Kai-shek brazenly launched an all-out civil war in disregard of the repeated tolerance of the Chinese Communist Party and the strong opposition of the people throughout the country. He gathered about 193 tourist brigades and 1.6 million people and launched an all-out offensive on the liberated areas under the CPC’s leadership. After a resolute counterattack by more than half a year, under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, the people and civilians in the liberated areas smashed back and deterred the insurgent attacks on the Kuomintang troops and forced Chiang Kai-shek to shrink his strategy of full-scale attack to the two liberated areas of northern Shaanxi and Shandong The focus of attack. In March 1947, Hu Tsung-nan ran 34,000 brigades and 250,000 troops toward the city of Yanan, the seat of the CPC Central Committee. The attack on Yan’an by Chiang Kai-shek reiterated his practice of encircling and defeating the Central Soviet Area bases in Jiangxi. He pre-set