Visual and Instrument Flight Programming is a method of planning approach and departure, with the purpose of rationalizing the relationship between routes and landing or take-off, and is an important measure to ensure flight safety and avoid collision of aircraft with obstacles on the ground , Plays an extremely important role in ensuring the flight safety of civil aircraft. As the main body of program design, the human factors of program designers affect the quality, safety and benefit of program design. The following combined with the author’s years of work experience, talk about the human factors that affect the design of flight program. The so-called flight program design of human factors, including human ideology, professional quality and human psychology, physiologically stressful work pressure and many other factors, of which three in the programming plays a leading role. Human factors interweave and influence each other in programming, which determines the quality of an airport programming. First, the human mind is the basic idea of flight programming Thinking reflected in the programming