1987年3月8~12日在美国Gajthersburg召开了第二届国际抗肿瘤发生及辐射防护会议。发起单位是美国国家标准局(National Bureau of.Standard,NBS),环境保护机构(EnviromentalProtection Agency),国立癌症研究所(National Cancer Institute)以及国家辐射防护委员会(National Council for Radiation Protection)。 会议旨在交流肿瘤预防的机理研究,以及在分子生物学及自由基化学进展基础上的肿瘤治疗情况,共分八大部分。每一部分由三到六位学者口头发言、讨论以及相应的科学墙报所组成。本文选择一些有兴趣的内容作下述介绍。
The second international conference on anti-tumorigenicity and radiation protection was held in Gajthersburg, USA from March 8 to 12, 1987. The sponsors are the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Cancer Institute, and the National Council for Radiation Protection. The purpose of the conference was to exchange the mechanism of tumor prevention and the treatment of cancer based on the progress of molecular biology and free radical chemistry. Each section consists of three to six scholars who make oral presentations, discussions, and corresponding scientific posters. This article selects some interesting content for the following introduction.