Light Regulation to Chlorophyll Synthesis and Plastid Development of the Chlorophyll-Less Golden-Lea

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangchun2000
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Ligustrum vicaryi a hybrid of Ligustrum ovalifolium Hassk.var.aureo-marginatum and Ligustrum vulgale L.,and displays a chlorophyll-less phenotype.Therefore it is widely used as a horticultural shrub because of its golden-color leaves.Its putative mechanism,light responses,chlorophyll synthesis and plastid development were studied.L.vicaryi has a higher level of 5-aminolevulinic acid(ALA),but lower levels of chlorophylls compared with L.quihoui.The yellowish phenotype of L.vicaryi upper leaves could be attributed to their hampered conversion from chlorophyllide into chlorophyll a.Despite the enhanced ALA level and the decreased thylakoid stacking in plastids,L.vicaryi golden leaves contain normal levels of Lhcb transcripts and photosystem apoproteins.Furthermore,reactive oxygen species(ROS) accumulation is almost the same in L.vicaryi and L.quihoui.The golden leaves often turn green and the contents of chlorophylls increase with decreasing light intensity.Dynamic changes of chlorophyllsynthesis-system under the light transition were also analyzed. Ligustrum vicaryi a hybrid of Ligustrum ovalifolium Hassk. Var. Aureo-marginatum and Ligustrum vulgale L., and displays a chlorophyll-less phenotype.Therefore it is widely used as a horticultural shrub because of its golden-color leaves. Its putative mechanism, light responses, chlorophyll synthesis and plastid development were studied. L.vicaryi has a higher level of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), but lower levels of chlorophylls compared with L.quihoui.The yellowish phenotype of L.vicaryi upper leaves could be attributed to their hampered conversion from chlorophyllide into chlorophyll a. Ideally the enhanced ALA level and the decreased thylakoid stacking in plastids, L. vicaryi golden leaves contain normal levels of Lhcb transcripts and photosystem apoproteins. Still Advanced, reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation is almost the same in L.vicaryi and L.quihoui.The golden leaves often turn green and the contents of chlorophylls increase with decreasing light intensity. Dynamic changes of chlorop hyllsynthesis-system under the light transition were also analyzed.
文章提出了一种限定线性离散系统的极点在■平面的任意指定的园周区的简单的充分条件。 The paper presents a simple and sufficient condition for defining the poles of
鼓楼是侗族文化圈最具特色的公共建筑之一,而“中心柱型”鼓楼又是侗族鼓楼类型中最具代表性的。它由原始崇拜的“中心柱”演化而来,在社会功能需求刺激下,与穿斗木结构建筑体系相结合,得到民族审美心理的认同,并最终成为侗族的主流鼓楼样式。下面将从影响“中心柱型”鼓楼的发展演变因素直至“中心柱型”作为侗族地区的主流鼓楼样式作如下分析:  一、观念:侗族部落原始崇拜——中心柱  1.树木崇拜  侗族经历过原始社