At the beginning of the new school year, you certainly can not imagine how busy the psychological counseling room affiliated with the school! Chen, who was a counselor in high school, said: “This month I talked with my students about the total amount of interviews for the next 3 months Move into graduation classes and new schools, transfer classes, change class or main class teacher from boarding to boarding ... Every change can make an adolescent child ill-suited. ”“ Being an only child, self-centered Strong state of mind, the lack of a positive attitude to take the initiative to adapt to the environment. The total negative hope to wait for the environment to adapt to their own. This illusion may be achieved at home, but 99% of the schools are one-child environment .How possible to achieve? ”So start apathy began quietly spread.“ ”Chen reluctantly said.“ Many parents are eager to see the child does not adapt to the new environment.Not only not to inspire children to adapt to the environment in an appropriate way, to accept others, but want to let the school, the teacher to modify the rules or mediation. The negative impact of migrating children is obvious. ”According to a survey of 10 graduates in a key middle school, children who are well-adapted to the environment while at school attend college or are on the job A good interpersonal and academic career are the most popular: On the other hand, it is easy to meet the bottleneck of development. Seen in this light, can take the initiative to adapt to the environment is also a potential. So, how parents should cultivate children this crucial “potential”?