2000多年前,希腊雅典:马其顿王国的御医希波克拉底冒死前往正在流行瘟疫的希腊雅典,救治饱受瘟疫折磨的人民,并留下千古传颂的“希波克拉底誓言”。 1500年前,中国唐朝:一位“博极医源、精勤不倦”的医生孙思邈不仅以其高超的医术挽救了无数人的生命,更以其崇高的医德为世人所称颂。他在《千金方》中有这样一段话:“凡大医治病,必当安神定志,无欲无求,先发大慈恻隐之心,誓愿普救含灵之苦。若有疾厄来求救者,不得问其贵贱贫富,长幼妍蚩,怨亲善友,华夷愚智,普同
More than 2,000 years ago, Athens, Greece: The Hippocrates, the doctor of the Macedonian kingdom, was taken to Athens, Greece, where the epidemic was raging, to treat the people suffering from the plague, and to leave behind the “Hippocratic oath” chanted throughout the ages. 1500 years ago, during the Tang Dynasty in China, Sun Sikai, a doctor who was a doctor with great resources and diligence, not only saved countless lives with his superb medical skills, but also praised the world with his lofty medical ethics. In “Qian Jin Fang,” he said, "If any doctor treats a disease, he must be determined to calm down. He has no desire and no desire. He begins with the mercy of the great compassion, and vows to save the suffering of the spirit. If there is trouble for help, Those who are not allowed to ask their wealth, rich and poor, long and young, complaining about good friends and friendship, and being ignorant and intelligent