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美丽的新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州以其美丽、富饶享誉疆内外,开都河犹如一条舞动的飘带,为华夏第一州的欣欣向荣欢腾挥舞,为焉耆古城的新姿高声喝彩。作为古丝绸之路重镇之一的焉耆,千百年来,人杰地灵,人们一步一步地从这里度量出人生的意义,艾山江·吾守尔就是其中的一个。作为一 The beautiful Bayinolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture in Xinjiang is famous for its beauty and richness. The Kaidu River is like a dancing streamers, and it is the thriving and magnificent of the first state of Huaxia. It cheers for the new posture of the ancient city of Yanqi. As one of the ancient Silk Roads, Yanqi, one of them, Yi Shanjiang Wu Shul is one of the most important people in the world. As one