本文介绍的汉江大桥是一座主跨为176米的薄壁箱形钢斜腿刚构铁路桥,该桥在目前世界上同类型铁路桥梁中跨度最大。它已于1982年12月建成通车。 文中介绍了该桥桥式方案的确定,钢结构的概况和模型试验的主要结果。
The Hanjiang River Bridge introduced in this paper is a 176m-span thin-walled steel framed steel-framed steel-framed steel-framed railway bridge with the largest span in the world. It was opened to traffic in December 1982. This article describes the bridge bridge program to determine the overview of the steel structure and the main results of the model test.