Dog-transmitted Rabies in Beijing, China

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iczfjh
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Rabies remains a continuous threat to public health in Beijing.In this study,a total of 224 brain tissues were collected from suspected infected stray dogs within Beijing between January 2015 and December 2016.Among them,total of 67 samples were diagnosed positive for rabies.In the phylogenetic analysis,rabies in Beijing is currently a relatively independent public health issue originating from local rabid dogs apart from the imported cases from elsewhere in the country.Because vaccination of unregistered dogs against rabies is still neglected in Beijing and other regions of China,national and local authorities should play central roles in all related aspects,such as development of policies,engagement of stakeholders for public and professional education,entire vaccination process,and animal management. Rabies remains a continuous threat to public health in Beijing. This study, a total of 224 brain tissues were collected from suspected infected stray dogs within Beijing between January 2015 and December 2016.Among them, total of 67 samples were diagnosed positive for rabies. In the phylogenetic analysis, rabies in Beijing is currently a relatively independent public health issue originating from local rabid dogs apart from the imported cases from elsewhere in the country.Because vaccination of unregistered dogs against rabies is still neglected in Beijing and other regions of China, national and local authorities should play central roles in all related aspects, such as development of policies, engagement of stakeholders for public and professional education, entire vaccination process, and animal management.
导演:盖瑞·温尼克 (Gary Winick)  编剧:苏珊娜·格兰特 (Susannah Grant)  主演/配音:达科塔·凡宁 (Dakota Fanning)/朱莉娅·罗伯茨 (Julia Roberts)/斯蒂夫·巴塞米 (Steve Buscemi)/约翰·克里斯(John Cleese)/奥普拉·温弗瑞 (Oprah Winfrey)  类型:家庭/喜剧  发行:美国派拉蒙影业公司 
目的 探讨社区人群不同TSH水平及血脂之间的相关性.方法 选自2013年5月至6月在乌鲁木齐某社区甲状腺疾病流行病学调查资料,资料完整的1185例列入本研究(男/女:364/821,年龄:1
摘 要:从1986年史蒂夫·乔布斯正式收购卢卡斯的电脑动画部并命名为皮克斯动画工作室算起,皮克斯已经进入全盛时期。针对这家置身于被经济学家称为高风险中的高风险行业——动画电影行业的企业,文章从企业精神、高管团队、科技与创意相结合的创新模式、外在环境这四个方面对皮克斯模式进行了分析,以期剖析其成功立身之道,为我国文创企业提供借鉴。  关键词:文化创意;创新;动画;科技;企业管理  一、皮克斯的辉煌 