A Cheap Piano

来源 :英语学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fkswind
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ONE day Richard Brodygot a letter from a com-pany in New York. Thecompany had good newsfor Mr. Brody, “Congratulations!”the letter said. “You are the winnerof a mini electronic piano! Pleasesend us $ 10 for shipping, and wewill mail the piano to you.” A description of the piano wasin the letter. Mr. Brody read thedescription very carefully and de-cided to mail the company $ 10 forthe piano. Two months later Mr. Brodyreceived a box in the mail. It washis piano! He opened the box andfound pieces of newspaper. He ONE day Richard Brodygot a letter from a com-pany in New York. Thecompany had good newsfor Mr. Brody, “Congratulations! ” The letter said. "You are the winnerof a mini electronic piano! Pleasesend us $ 10 for shipping Mr. Brody read the description very carefully and de-cided to mail the company $ 10 forthe piano. Two months later Mr. Brodyreceived a box in the mail. It washis piano! He opened the box andfound pieces of newspaper. He
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《纲要》明确指出:幼儿园应开展丰富多彩的户外游戏和体育活动,培养幼儿参加体育活动的兴趣和习惯,增强体质,提高对环境的适应能力。作为农村镇中心幼儿园,我们以《纲要》为准绳,充分利用自身的资源优势,不断实践、反思、总结,使我园的体育活动开展得有声有色,赢得了同行和家长的称赞,也对周围的幼儿园起到了示范和引领作用。我们的具体做法是:  一、根据体育目标和已有器械,一物多用  对于农村的许多幼儿园来说,体
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