读者也许还记得,不久前本刊在报道《“两弹”元勋邓稼先》时,有这样一段话:“邓稼先他们含辛茹苦地工作到1959年,就把我国第一颗原子弹的理论计算的轮廓勾出来了……,他们还不放心,又请理论物理学家周光召等人从物理概念出发进行估计,结果证明邓稼先等人得到的数据是正确可靠的。” 事情就从那时讲起。那是60年代初最艰难的岁月,某大国撕毁协议、撤走专家,使中国第一颗原子
As the reader may recall, not long ago, when the article covered “two bombs and” “Deng Jiaxian,” he said: “Deng Jiaxian, who worked hard until 1959, put the outline of the theoretical calculation of the first atomic bomb in our country They did not feel relieved, and asked theoretical physicist Zhou Guangzhao et al. To estimate from the physical concept that the data obtained by Deng Jiaxian et al. Were correct and reliable. ” It was the hardest time of the early 1960s. A major nation tearing up the agreement, withdrew its experts and made China’s first atom