结合实际 注重实效

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强化企业的思想政治工作,必须使企业的思想政治工作结合实际,注重实效、要做到这一点,我认为应注重以下几个方面: 思想政治工作必须贯彻社会主义公平原则。社会主义公平原则是思想政治工作的一项重要原则。在企业内部建立一种使每个职工都能充分发挥聪明才智,通过自己的诚实劳动获得应得到的物质利益和荣誉的平等竞争环境,使每个职工都能感受到在企业受到公正、公平待遇,实现自我价值。这是企业思想政治工作的重要内容,而实现这一目标的关键,一是决策必须做到民主化、科学化,企业的各项政策、规定、制度和措施必须体现公平原则;二是强化监督职能,严格执行政策、法令、法规和各项规章制度,做到在制度、法规面前人人平等;三是以建立企业利益共同体为重点,建立起思想政治工作与物质利益相统一的企业运行的动力机制,特别是通过改革建立 In order to strengthen the ideological and political work in an enterprise, we must make the ideological and political work of the enterprise integrate actual conditions and actual results. To do this, I think we should pay attention to the following aspects: The ideological and political work must implement the principle of socialist fairness. The principle of socialist fairness is an important principle in ideological and political work. Internally, establish an equal competitive environment in which every employee can give full play to his talents and get the material benefits and honorarium he deserves through his honest work, so that every employee can feel that he or she is being treated fairly and equitably in the enterprise , Realize self-worth. This is an important part of the ideological and political work of an enterprise. The key to achieving this goal is that one must make democratization and scientific decision-making and all policies, regulations, systems and measures of the enterprise must reflect the principle of fairness; second, strengthen supervision Functions and strict implementation of policies, decrees, laws and regulations and various rules and regulations, so that all people are equal before the system and laws and regulations. Third, the establishment of a community of corporate interests as the key point, establish a unified ideological and political work and material interests of enterprises operating Motivation, especially through reform
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