中药川乌含多种生物碱,其中主要是乌头碱,有剧毒,内服生川乌0.2毫克即可中毒,3~4毫克即可致死。我院从1988、7~1994、4共收治急性川乌中毒8例。采用阿托品,甘草、生姜综合抢救,我们根据有无牙关紧闭、四肢抽搐、呼吸困难、严重心律失常、休克等症将中毒分为轻、重二型。其中重型4例、轻型4例。现报告如下: [一般资料]急性川乌中毒8例,其中男4例、女4例,最大62岁、最小19岁,平均36.6岁;中毒途径:8例均系口服生川乌浸泡药酒,剂量最大250毫升,最小25毫升,平均136毫升;服药至就诊时间,最长5小时、最短30分钟,平均150分钟;住院最长8天、最短2天,平均4.13天。 [临床表现]入院时浅昏迷1例,昏睡、躁动3例:血压:%Kpal例,6.5~3/0kpa2例,9/5kpal例,都伴有四肢不温;四肢肌肉强直2例;语言不畅,呼吸困难,唇发绀4例;紊乱心律3例,心动过缓2例;双侧瞳孔缩小(约0.15cm)1例,中毒8例均出现舌、口腔及全身麻木紧束感,以及恶心、呕吐、流涎等迷走神经兴奋征候群。
Chuanwu contains a variety of alkaloids, mainly aconitine, highly toxic, Oral Radix Chuanwu 0.2 mg can be poisoned, 3 to 4 mg can be fatal. Our hospital from 1988,7 ~ 1994,4 were treated 8 cases of acute Chuanwu poisoning. Using atropine, licorice, ginger, a comprehensive rescue, we have teeth closed, limbs convulsions, dyspnea, severe arrhythmia, shock and other symptoms of poisoning will be divided into mild and severe type II. Among them, 4 cases were heavy and 4 cases were light. The report is as follows: [General information] Acute Chuan poisoning in 8 cases, including 4 males and 4 females, a maximum of 62 years old, minimum 19 years old, an average of 36.6 years; poisoning pathway: 8 cases were oral Ophiopogon soak wine, The maximum dose of 250 ml, a minimum of 25 ml, an average of 136 ml; medication to treatment time, up to 5 hours, the shortest 30 minutes, an average of 150 minutes; hospital up to 8 days, the shortest 2 days, an average of 4.13 days. Clinical manifestations: 1 case of coma on admission, 3 cases of drowsiness and agitation: blood pressure:% Kpal cases, 6.5 ~ 3 / 0kpa 2 cases, 9 / 5kpal cases, all with limbs are not warm; limb muscle rigidity in 2 cases; 4 cases of lip cyanosis, 3 cases of disorganized heart rhythm, 2 cases of bradycardia, 1 case of bilateral miosis (about 0.15 cm), 8 cases of poisoning appeared tongue, oral and systemic numbness and nausea , Vomiting, salivation and other vagus nerve excitement syndrome.