后期印象派大师文森特·凡高于1853年生于荷兰,他一生贫困潦倒,郁郁而不得志。1890年7月29日,对生活彻底绝望了的凡高自杀身亡。自杀时,除了身上穿的衣服和随身带的画夹之外,他一无所有。凡高一生中只卖出了一幅画,仅仅赚得400法郎。他决不会想到一百年后他的任何一幅真品都会价值连城,也不会想到他被冠以“艺术大师”的头衔,被亿万人所景仰。本片的主题曲《星满夜空》就是热爱他的音乐家 Don McLean 取名于他的同名油画为纪念他而创作的。本片的导演兼编剧 Paul Davids 也是凡高的崇拜者,所以我们才得以看到这部浪漫感人的影片。在片中,凡高在
Post-impressionist master Vincent Van Gogh was born in the Netherlands in 1853, his life impoverished, depressed and frustrated. On July 29, 1890, Van Gogh committed a complete desperation to commit suicide. He did nothing when he committed suicide, except for the clothes he was wearing and the clip he took with him. Van Gogh sold only one painting in his life, earning only 400 francs. He never imagined that a hundred years later any of his real products would be worthless and would not have imagined he was admired by hundreds of millions of people under the title of “master of arts.” The film’s theme song “Starry Night Sky” is the love of his musician Don McLean named after his oil painting in the same name to commemorate his creation. The film’s director and screenwriter Paul Davids is also a Van Gogh admirer, so we can see this romantic touching film. In the film, Van Gogh is there