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自从1997年7月以来,曾经创造过巨大经济奇迹的东南亚各国由于突如其来的经济危机,在经济发展的各个领域遭受了严重的损失,同时也引起了国际金融界的广泛关注。如今,这场由东南亚金融危机引发的全球性金融动荡还在蔓延。俄罗斯经济濒临崩溃、日本的经济瘫痪以及世界股价的暴跌都充分说明了这个问题。不能否认,东南亚各国经济结构失衡、金融监管不力和政策的失误是金融危机爆发的经济基础与直接原因。但是,从更加深刻的全球背景来看,正是由于目前全球金融领域内存在某些制度缺陷和由这些缺陷造成的全球资本市场的动荡与不稳定,才决定了这场金融危机的迅捷性、延续性和广泛性。 Since July 1997, the Southeast Asian countries that once created huge economic wonders have suffered serious losses in all fields of economic development due to the sudden economic crisis, and have also drawn the widespread attention of the international financial community. Today, the global financial turmoil triggered by the financial crisis in Southeast Asia is still spreading. The collapse of Russia’s economy, the paralysis of Japan’s economy and the plunge in world share prices all illustrate this issue. It can not be denied that the structural imbalances in the economies of Southeast Asian countries, poor financial supervision and policy mistakes are the economic basis and the direct cause of the financial crisis. However, judging from the more profound global context, it is precisely because of the current systemic turmoil in the global financial sector and the turmoil and instability in the global capital markets caused by these shortcomings that the swiftness of the financial crisis has been decided. Continuity and extensiveness.
气候特点:清明到,气温明显升高,但湿气仍重,气压低。  高发疾病:抑郁症、躁狂症、精神分裂症、急性腹泻、风疹、流行性腮腺炎。  健康提点:1.春天阴雨绵绵,易引发精神异常,导致精神心理疾病高发。若发现自己情绪低落,应注意转移不良情绪,不妨听听音乐或参加体育活动。  2.本月是春游、踏青的好季节,踏青前应做好充分的准备。  3.本月温差大,仍需注意保暖、通风,防控呼吸道传染病。  养生推荐:菠菜豆腐
  目的:探究生物活性玻璃丝素膜对人牙髓细胞(human dental pulp cell,hDPCs)增殖与分化作用的影响.方法:采用消化法培养原代hDPCs,取第3-4代细胞用于实验.分别将hDPCs接种于
本刊1995年第8期曾发表李雄飞的文章《矮子巨人》上篇,现将该文的中、下篇发表在第1、第2期上。 The fifth issue of 1995 issue of Li Xiongfei published the article “d