This article reports the left ventricular STI measurements (including QS_2, LVET, PEP and PEP / LVET) in 375 cases from June to 13 years (193 males and 182 females), and analyzed. There was no significant difference between the two groups (P <0.01). According to the clustering analysis of polygamy samples, all the patients were divided into 5 age groups of 0 ~ 1, 2 ~ 3, 4 ~ 6, 7 ~ 9 and 10 ~ 13 years old. Through simple correlation coefficient and stepwise regression analysis affirmed the impact of heart rate, body surface area and age on each phase. Because we think body surface area more accurately reflects the influence of body growth and development on the dynamic changes and maturation of cardiovascular function than age, and because body surface area and age are closely related (r = 0.95, P <0.01), we choose Heart rate (x_1) and body surface area (x_2) reconstructed regression equations with STI phases.