
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nanermama
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Aims: To test the effectiveness of a home based developmental education interv ention in improving outcome at 5 years for very preterm infants. Methods: The Av on Premature Infant Project (APIP) is a randomised controlled trial in which the parents of 284 babies born < 33 weeks gestational age received a developmental education programme, a social support intervention, or standard care. A term ref erence population was also recruited. This study reports outcomes at 5 years (me an age 58 months 15 days) for 187 (66%) of these children without disability. O utcomes were assessed using the British Ability Scales II for cognitive developm ent, the Movement ABC for motor impairment, and the Child Behavior Checklist for behavioural problems. Results: Preterm infants showed poorer cognitive performa nce than their term peers. Mean (SD) general conceptual ability (GCA) scores wer e: Portage 99.2 (15.7); parent adviser 100.3 (14.8); preterm control 101.1 (15.0 ); term reference 107.2 (13.4). There were no significant differences between pr eterm groups in GCA scores indicating no effect of either intervention. Similarl y, there was no significant effect of intervention on behavioural or motor outco mes. Further analyses, in which outcome data were adjusted for social factors, d id not reveal any differences between the three preterm groups or by sub groups classified by a range of perinatal variables. Conclusion: The small adv antage shown at 2 years of age is no longer detectable at 5 years. These results question the effectiveness of early intervention in enhancing cognitive, behavi oural, and motor function at 5 years. Aims: To test the effectiveness of a home based developmental education interv ention in improving outcome at 5 years for very preterm infants. Methods: The Av on Premature Infant Project (APIP) is a randomized controlled trial of which the the parents of 284 babies born < 33 weeks gestational age received a developmental education program, a social support intervention, or standard care. A term ref erence population was also recruited. This study reports outcomes at 5 years (me an age 58 months 15 days) for 187 (66%) of these children without disability. O utcomes were assessed using the British Ability Scales II for cognitive development ent, the Movement ABC for motor impairment, and the Child Behavior Checklist for behavioral problems. Results: Preterm infants showed poorer cognitive performa nce than their term peers (SD) general conceptual ability (GCA) scores wer e: Portage 99.2 (15.7); parent adviser 100.3 (14.8); preterm control 101.1 (15.0); term reference 107.2 (13.4). Th Similar to y, there was no significant effect of intervention on behavioral or motor outco mes. Further analyzes, in which outcome data were adjusted for social factors, d id not reveal any differences between the three preterm groups or by sub groups classified by a range of perinatal variables. Conclusion: The small adv antage shown at 2 years of age is no longer detectable at 5 years. These results question the effectiveness of early intervention in enhancing cognitive, behavi oural, and motor function at 5 years.
[摘 要] 高职教育重在培养应用型人才。结合我院办学特色和本专业学生培养目标,探索总结出电视摄像实训课程教学改革的方法和途径。  [关 键 词] 电视摄像;实训课程;教学改革  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2017)01-0102-01  电视摄像实训课程是一门实践性很强的专业必修课,课程教学效果在一定程度上决定了影视专业学生的整体职业技能水平。
笔者从我省1900年至1984年85年间亡故的1000多位名老中医的传、表中查出有8位百岁者,可称齐鲁医坛八寿星。他们是: 潘楯,莒县潘家屯人(1808~1944),终年136岁,清末优增生,弃儒
他靠借来的200元台币起家他的经营要诀是“两权”彻底分离他是唯一见过邓小平的台湾实业巨头 He borrowed 200 NT dollars starting his business tactics is the “two rig