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真空熔炼的目的是避免间隙元素对TiAl金属间化合物的污染。但在真空下,由于钛铝合金熔体中铝的挥发损失将影响金属间化合物成分的准确度。作者利用计算得到的钛铝合金中钛、铝的活度系数,计算了钛铝合金熔体中钛、铝元素的挥发损失速率。结果表明,2000K时,Ti48at%Al熔体中铝的挥发速率是钛挥发速率的50倍左右,即铝优先挥发。2000K时,Ti48at%Al在真空下保持30分钟,铝的自由挥发将使铝含量由48at%降至26at%,与实验室试验结果基本一致。 The purpose of vacuum melting is to avoid interstitial element contamination of TiAl intermetallics. However, under vacuum, the loss of aluminum in the titanium-aluminum alloy melt will affect the accuracy of the intermetallic composition. Based on the calculated activity coefficients of Ti and Al in Ti-Al alloy, the authors calculated the volatilization loss of Ti and Al in Ti-Al alloy melt. The results show that the volatilization rate of aluminum in Ti48at% Al melt is about 50 times of that of titanium at 2000K, that is, the aluminum is preferentially volatilized. 2000K, Ti  48at% Al under vacuum for 30 minutes, the free aluminum will reduce the aluminum content from 48at% to 26at%, and the results of laboratory tests are basically the same.
多年的教学实践我发现了一个很普遍的现象,不少平时物理成绩相差无几的学生,中考时却出现了巨大的落差,分析失利者的原因,他们往往不是输在起跑线上,而是从复习开始,一错再错。一着不对,满盘皆输。中考物理要得高分其实有规律可循,下面我和大家谈谈自己的一些思考。  1 知已知彼,百战不殆  所谓知已:对自己过去的物理学习进行分析,找出问题症结所在。(1)基础知识是否扎实:该记的有没有记住,该理解的有没有理解