人教版《经济生活》 值得商榷的几点

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由人民教育出版社出版的《经济生活》(必修,2005年4月第二版)作为普通高中新课程思想政治课教材,在编写的内容、结构、体例等方面都体现了新课程的要求。但是笔者在教学过程中发现教材中几处值得商榷的地方,现提出来与同仁共同探讨。一、关于树立职业平等观的探究教材第49页,在分析怎样树立正确的择业观念时指出:“树立职业平等观。各种正当职业的劳动者,都是创造社会财富所必需的,没有高低贵贱之分。三百六十行,行行出状元。不管从事什么工作,只要能脚踏实地、兢兢业业,都能有所作为。”为引导学生正确认识职业平等,教材在48页设置了探究题,辨析几种择业观的合理性和误区。其中一种观点是:“工作要体面,不要让人看不起。”毫无疑问,这一观点的误区在于择业要“体面”。由此可以引出,职业无高低贵贱之分,都是平等的。但是,择业时“不要让人看不起”的观点也是误区。什么样的工作是让人看得起 The “Economic Life” (Compulsory, Second Edition, April 2005) published by the People’s Education Press serves as the teaching material for the ideological and political course of the new senior high school curriculum. It embodies the requirements of the new curriculum in terms of content, structure, and style. However, in the course of teaching, the author discovered several places in the textbook that are worthy of discussion, and he now proposes to discuss it with colleagues. I. On the 49th page of the inquiry textbook on the establishment of the concept of professional equality, we pointed out in analyzing how to establish a correct concept of career choice: “Establishing a concept of professional equality. All kinds of workers in the proper profession are required for the creation of social wealth. “Three hundred and sixty lines, and three hundred and sixty lines, the top performers. Regardless of what kind of work, as long as they can be down-to-earth, conscientious, can do something.” “To guide students to correctly understand professional equality, teaching materials set in the 48 pages of inquiry Questions, analyze the rationality and misunderstanding of several views of choosing careers. One of these views is: ”Work should be decent, and don’t let people look down on you." There is no doubt that the misunderstanding of this view lies in the need to choose a decent job. It can be concluded that there is no distinction between high and low professions and are equal. However, the idea of ​​“Do not let people look down on” when choosing a job is also a misunderstanding. What kind of work is worth watching
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