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博弈理论指出在交互策略行为中博弈方遵循纳什均衡策略或者混合纳什均衡策略思想,并指出要随机化自己的策略选择,不能够表现出很强的规律性,因为一旦被对方熟知即可被利用来增大获益。高水平网球运动竞赛是“二人零和”博弈,含有参与人、策略、支付等博弈要素,所以提出假设高水平网球运动竞赛是不是符合博弈理论的一些基本思想,如“混合策略”理论和战术行为选择是否随机等都有待我们去验证。以博弈分析理论的基础理论思想为指导,采用拟和优度卡方检验,Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验和游程检验等方法对现代竞技网球运动竞赛进行了理论验证,得出:博弈论的理论思想在网球博弈行为中的验证过程,证明了“混合策略”理论与预期的一致性,同时发球序列独立的检验也与经验相符即网球运动员都意图随机化自己的行动,使对手难以预测。但是值得说明的是网球运动员的战略行为“混合策略”使用以及随机化选择都是以个人特长技术、打法类型等为基础。 Game theory points out that game players follow Nash equilibrium strategy or mixed Nash equilibrium strategy in interactive strategy behavior and point out that to randomize their own strategy choices can not show strong regularity because once known to each other, To increase the benefits. The high-level tennis competition is a “two-person zero-sum” game, which contains the game elements such as participants, strategy and payment. Therefore, it is proposed that the high-level tennis competition is not consistent with some basic ideas of game theory, “Theory and tactical choice of behavior are random and wait for us to verify. Guided by the basic theoretical thought of game theory, the modern competitive tennis competition is theoretically validated by the method of chi-square test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and run test. The results show that the theoretical idea of ​​game theory is based on tennis The verification process in game behavior proves the consistency of ”mixed strategy “ theory and expectation. At the same time, the independent test of service sequence is also consistent with the experience that tennis players intend to randomize their actions and make the opponent difficult to predict. However, it is worth noting that tennis players’ strategic behavior, ”mixed strategy" use, and randomized selection are all based on personal expertise, type of play, and so on.
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