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导演的二度创作是在剧本的基础上开始的。这次是要在剧本及谭导演两次立戏的两个基础上开始。既要在剧本基础上对生活有第二次发现,又要在两次舞台演出基础上承前启后。势必要求能在艺术品位上有所提高。凝思冥想后归结4个字:神、形、情、韵,从这4方面做学问下功夫,有可能达到理想的目的。神。编剧集中塑造了5个出身不同遭遇不同性格各异的红军女战士。她们在西路红军西征惨败后逃到祁连山中,在马步芳匪帮围追堵截下,为寻找主力部队走上祁连冰峰,困境中冻饿而死。表现出红军战士身处绝境信念不泯,为理想奋斗到底的顽强的革命精神。红军是中华民族的脊梁,红军精神象祁连冰峰一样屹立永存。在邓小平同志开辟的新长征路上,在国际风云变幻的今天,更需要呼唤这种精神。《魂》剧 The second creation of the director started on the basis of the script. This time, we should start with two bases on which the script and director Tan played two times. It is necessary to have a second discovery of life based on the script, but also on the basis of two stage performances. It is bound to demand improvement in the artistic taste. After meditation meditation boil down four words: God, form, love, rhyme, learn from these four aspects make efforts, it is possible to achieve the desired goal. God. The writer focused on creating five female soldiers of different genders who came from different backgrounds. After they flee to the Qilian Mountains after the Western Red Army suffered a major defeat in the West, they stopped and intercepted and stopped at the Ma Bufang bandits. In search of the main force, they went to the Qilian Ice Summit and died of hunger and cold in their predicament. It shows that the Red Army fighters are at a critical moment of true beliefs and struggle for the ideal in the end. The Red Army is the backbone of the Chinese nation. The spirit of the Red Army stands forever like the Qilian Bingfeng. In the new long march initiated by Comrade Deng Xiaoping, it is even more necessary to call for such a spirit in the ever-changing international environment. “Soul” drama
卜C4闷沙刘脚深沉地电樱连续侧‘《天梦)江主题歌1 .J︺︺、J.。....巨........ 一一﹄‘no.7一。(翼丝l封乙』互6雪且过立3‘l粤6--一)11:6 66… … l走_t 21l之谁,几.立151 .2 36