入世推动了国有企业改革前进的步伐,企业员工的思想状况也发生了很大变化。如何把握职工思想动态,关系到企业在竞争中的长远发展。为此,根据胜利石油管理局及我公司的实际情况,我们在职工队伍中开展了一系列的问卷调查工作。 调查目的:通过问卷调查,把握职工的心理动态,聚焦职工所关心的热点问题,调查职工对当前国企改革中减员增效等工作的态度。
The accession to the WTO has promoted the pace of the reform of state-owned enterprises and made tremendous changes in their ideological conditions. How to grasp the ideological trends of workers, related to the long-term development of enterprises in the competition. To this end, according to the actual situation of Shengli Petroleum Administration and our company, we conducted a series of questionnaires in the workforce. Survey Objectives: Through questionnaires, grasp the psychological dynamics of workers, focusing on the hot issues of concern to workers, and investigate the employees’ attitudes towards the work of downsizing and efficiency improvement in the current state-owned enterprises reform.