A Tribe Dwelling in the Plateau

来源 :中国-东盟博览(旅游版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haohaohaobaichi
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  The Tibetans, an ethnic group living closest to the sun, are spoiled by the sunshine. The endearing blushes on their faces seem to be the imprints given by the God who dotes on this land. Tibetans live on the plateau, a holy land beyond the reach of mortals, which has given birth to lives and civilization. Being not the least bit tainted by the secular world and common customs till now, this piece of land is praised as “the purest land in the world”. Daocheng, the last Shangri-La, is a place to get close to Tibetan culture.
  A free and religious group
  Tibetan people believe in Mahayana Buddhism, which has absorbed some ritual and content from the beliefs of indigenous Tibetans and evolved into the “Tibetan Buddhism”. Living Buddhas and eminent monks are honored by the Tibetan people as “sages”, known as “Lama” in the Tibetan language. That’s why the Tibetan Buddhism is also referred to as “Lamaism”. Buddhism was spread from India to Tibet from the 7th century, enjoying a history of over 1,300 years. From the 13th century to the middle of the 16th century, Buddhism was increasingly prevalent with frequent Buddhist activities and Buddhist temples extending all over Tibet, among which the most famous ones are Ganden Monastery, Drepung Monastery, Sera Monastery, Tashilhungpo Monastery and the Potala Palace.
  When greeting the guests, the Tibetans dip their fingers in the liquor and flip three times before they grab some highland barley in the grain bucket and disperse them into the air for three times. On a banquet, the host would raise a wine glass and take a sip which is followed by a gulp. Only when the host finishes the first glass of drink, could guests be free to drink. During the tea time, the guests should not pick up the tea until the host present it before them with both hands, otherwise, it is considered impolite. The dinning etiquettes include: do not eat with your mouth full; do not make a noise when chewing the food or drink; and do not go across dishes to pick up food. When making the dish, a lock of white hair is left on the tail, a symbol for good fortune.
  Voice of Tibetans
  The Tibetan people have created a splendid culture in literature, music, dance, painting, sculpture, architecture, etc. As early as around the 12th and 13th century, there were monographs on Tibetan folk music, such as On Tibetan Music. With distinctive features and a wide range of varieties, the traditional Tibetan music falls into three categories: folk music, religious music and court music. The folk music can be divided into folk songs, dance music, rap music, local opera music and instrumental music, with distinct music styles and various music types in U-Tsang, Kham and Amdo, the three dialect areas of Tibet.   Tibetan costumes, man’s or woman’s, are well preserved with distinct styles in different regions. They are characterized by long sleeves, wide waist and wide lapel. Women usually wear a robe with long sleeves in winter and a sleeveless gown in summer, which go with a patterned blouse in different colors and a colorized apron tied to the waist in front. The Tibetan people attach particular importance to “Khata”, the most precious gift. When celebrations come, guests arrive from afar, people go visiting the elders or bid their farewells, Khata is presented to show respect.
  A taste of local life
  Most of the Tibetans usually have three meals a day, but it may come to four or five to six meals a day when the farming season comes or they are intensively involved in the labor. Their staple food is called “tsampa”, namely, roasted barley flour. In the pasturing area in particular, people rarely eat other food stuffs apart from the tsampa, which is mixed with strong tea, milk tea, butter, cheese and sugar while eating. Besides, tsampa is also easy to store and carry, and convenient to eat. In the Tibetan areas, people with sheepskin pockets can be found everywhere.
  Among many a traditional Tibetan food, butter tea is the beverage that the Tibetans could not live without every day. Usually, they would drink a few cups of them in the morning before going to work. When paying a visit to the Tibetan’s house, you will probably be treated with the butter tea, which is to be enjoyed in line with a set of rules. Generally, the tea is not to be drunk off, but to be tasted. It is refilled before it gets empty. Drink it off before you leave. If you could not finish it, leave the rest for the host to refill it. This is the dietary habit of Tibetans.
  The most representative Tibetan building is the pillbox-like house, which is mostly made of stone and wood. It appears to be dignified and solid with a rustic and boorish style. Built on the hillsides, its outer walls converge upward, with its inside walls remain vertical. The pillbox-like house usually has two layers, whose rooms are divided by pillars. The ground floor is used for breeding livestock and storage, with low floor height; the second floor is the residence, big rooms as living room, bedroom and kitchen, small rooms for storage and staircases; and if there is a third floor, it is often used as a hall.
稻城拥有最纯粹的生灵,红草滩是它的招牌,万亩白杨林是它的庭院,雄登寺等重要寺庙屹立其中,傍河穿城而过,聆听茹布查卡的美丽神话。不少旅游摄影爱好者在稻城住下就是十天半月,因为他们相信天堂的颜色就在这里。  最佳旅行时间  稻城最佳的旅行时间是9 ~10 月,此时红草地与黄色的万亩杨树林让稻城变成了色彩的海洋,雪山在蓝天白云的衬托下,更显得如梦如幻。另外4 ~ 5 月也是去稻城的好时候,沿途都是满山遍
暹粒,英文名是Siem Reap,曾经翻译为真腊国,这里曾经是隐藏于市的世外桃源,资源丰富,百姓生活富足,但那只是曾经。  如今,站在这片沧桑的大地上,面对这宏伟神圣的千年遗迹,与其说我们要追寻的是暹粒的历史——不如说是吴哥的历史。柬埔寨最辉煌的吴哥王朝当时就是以暹粒为首都发展起来的。  在公元9世纪之前,柬埔寨地区居于爪哇国的统治之下。  公元9世纪初,高棉国王阇耶跋摩二世统一了柬埔寨地区,自封
如果你厌倦了雾霾和城市,去柬埔寨吧,那里有新鲜的空气和娇艳的阳光。如果你想不出微笑的理由,去柬埔寨吧,因为没有什么理由可以拒绝高棉的微笑。  金边皇宫 Royal Palace  皇宫也称四臂湾大王宫,因其位于上湄公河、洞里萨河、下湄公河与巴萨河的交汇处而得名,金边皇宫是柬埔寨诺罗敦国王于1866~1870年建造的,由柬埔寨的顶尖建筑师所设计。皇宫是富丽堂皇的长方形建筑群,长435米,宽402米,
泰式按摩和SPA闻名全球,是人们到泰国旅游必体验的项目之一。在奔走了一天景点后选择一家大街上的小店或是到专业的疗养馆按摩、做个全身SPA.最是惬意不过了。  很多人习惯把泰式按摩和SPA混为一谈,事实上这两者是不一样的体验。一般而言,在做泰式SPA的全身按摩时,还可以结合泰式按摩,体验效果更佳。  泰式按摩  泰式按摩是各种按摩中最激烈的,按摩师利用两手、两臂、两脚及全身重量滚压、伸展、拉抻体验者
暹粒位于柬埔寨的西北部,距离首都金边6小时的车程。从暹粒可乘车直达泰国、老挝、越南等相邻国家。暹粒市区内,老市场是经典的游客聚集地,餐厅、购物商店、SPA每天都营业到很晚,外汇兑换每隔几米就有一处,Tuk-Tuk车随叫随到,越夜越“鲜丽”的酒吧街,只要带上充足的胃口和一颗爱玩的心,您就能在这里享受国王般的快乐!  天气  柬埔寨属热带季风气候,12月到次年2月天气温和降雨少,是旅游的最佳季节。暹粒
As one of the greatest masterpieces left by the highly acclaimed Chinese painter Huang Gongwang (1269–1354), Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains represents the idyllic scenery along the Fuchun River. Mr.
去柬埔寨暹粒旅游,除了游览那些述说吴哥千年传奇的石窟和庙宇外,还有一个极具地域特色的好去处,便是自然与人文和谐共生的洞里萨湖。如果说吴哥窟是柬埔寨人心灵的寄托,那么洞里萨湖则是滋养柬埔寨人的“衣食父母”。洞里萨湖(Tonle Sap)是东南亚最大的淡水湖,又称金边湖,高棉语意为“大湖”,湖区日照充足、气候宜人、水量充沛,水产资源特别丰富。一方水土养一方人,许多柬埔寨人傍湖而居,将房屋和村庄都建在湖
那一日,有人跋山涉水而来,走过磐石错落的古道,赏树影婆娑、万千浮屠。驻足而立,仿佛能从那一尊尊悲悯的微笑里窥探到无数人追寻的“须弥山”之景。用荣格的一句话来形容吴哥遗迹最适合不过——美不是存在,美是消逝的状态。  古 寺 印 记  要想真正地触摸吴哥窟文化,罗洛寺庙群不可不去。罗洛寺庙群由神牛寺、巴公寺和罗莱寺组成,三座寺庙紧紧相连,建筑风格和装饰手法十分相似,真腊王国的都城在迁往吴哥地区之前,曾
泰国内阁会议通过国家旅游及体育部此前建议的6个月免签证费延长政策。原定的优惠措施将于2月28日到期,但為拓展旅游市场,当局决定延续免签证费用及落地签证费半价措施6个月,直至2017年8月底;并且对包括中国在内的22个国家和地区旅游签证继续免费,落地签费用也从2000泰铢(约合400人民币)降至1000泰铢(折合约200人民币)。  2017亚洲航空节在新加坡正式开幕  2月21日亚洲航空节在新加坡
钦州是一座“会唱歌”的城市,“海滨之歌”响遏行云,不仅仅有城市的悠闲小调,更有镇上乡间时时可闻的民俗之乐,像那妙龄女子羞赧时不经意的哼唱,像那壮健少年郎擂鼓时的激情鼓点,像那乡民群舞的欢声笑语,最美的乐音不过是民生百态,朴实而充满生气的生活日常。  咚隆咚锵,烟墩大鼓  中国历来有一种“鼓情结”。最早的鼓,是陶器时代用陶土烧制的“土鼓”,随着文明的不断演进,鼓的材质也发生了翻天覆地的变化,鼓的精神