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去年以来,中国南车集团南京浦镇车辆厂进行了创建学习型组织的探索。从加强组织引导、发挥舆论先行、实施目标管理、领导率先垂范、抓好基层试点五个方面入手,促进了基层单位创建学习型组织工作的开展,形成了企业学习网络;提升了员工整体素质;增强了企业竞争实力。然而,学习型组织毕竟是一个新生事物,在创建工作中还存在一些问题,需要引起我们重视。 Since last year, Nanjing CSR Group Nanjing Puzhen Vehicle Factory has made an exploration of creating a learning organization. From the aspects of strengthening the guidance of organization, giving play to the public opinion first, implementing the target management, taking the lead in setting the example and grasping the pilot of the grass-roots units, we promoted the establishment of the learning organization by the grassroots units, formed the enterprise learning network, improved the overall quality of the staff, Enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. However, the learning organization is a new thing after all. There are still some problems in the creation work, which needs our attention.
推导、计算并画出了磁偶极子所产生磁场强度的等值线,有助于认识工件表面点状缺陷上的磁粉吸附规律。 Derived, calculated and drawn the magnetic dipole magnetic field
介绍了35000m3/h制氧机空分系统基础的隔冷层及面层混凝土的施工质量控制。 The construction quality control of the cooling and surfacing concrete on the basis of 35
一、越早越好 幼儿教育越早越好,是当前的流行观念。因此,不断提前幼儿受教育的时间,成为家长们的普遍追求。有一位年轻的母亲,从怀孕的那一刻起,就开始为孩子奔忙。当这个孩子只
背景: 当前家族企业已成为大家议论的一个热门话题,以浙江经济为例,其发展速度之快,人民生活之富裕己成为全国关注的焦点。那么,浙江经济为什么有如此好的势头?其实靠的是民
1949年,印度数学家卡普耶卡(D.R.Kaprekar)研究了对四位数的一种变换:任给出一个四位数k0,把它的四个数字按由大到小的顺序重新 In 1949, the Indian mathematician D.R. Ka