The radiation site of cardiac pain is well known. However, when chest pain with single or bilateral lower extremity pain were rare, I encountered two cases, the report is as follows. Lee, male, 62 years old, 5 years ago because of headache dizziness, nausea treatment, blood pressure 200 / 140mmHg, by antihypertensive treatment, blood pressure fluctuations in the 180 ~ 160/110 ~ 100mmHg. At 11:30 on the evening of March 11, 1987 at bed rest, a sudden chest tightness, precordial press-like pain in the radioactive left arm pain at the same time, accompanied by left leg pain, by the front thigh toe extension, sit and breathe , Then emergency car. Blood pressure 100 / 60mmHg, heart rate 74 beats / min, irregular, heart sound low blunt, aortic valve