结节病又称类肉瘤病或 Boeck’s 病。此病涉及临床各科。其胸内病变占90~92%。廖氏总结国内五大医院自1960年以后的18例结节病中累及腮腺者3例,侵及虹膜睫状体1例。笔者尚未见到以 Hee-rfordt’s 综合征为表现的结节病个案报告。本文报告1例并从临床角度对其鉴别诊断略加讨论。患者,女,30岁。主诉双眼和颜面肿胀、口干视物模糊2月、抗炎治疗无效疑患肿瘤于1982年9月11日初诊。查双上睑肿胀,双眶外上触及肿块。
Sarcoidosis is also called sarcoidosis or Boeck’s disease. The disease involves various clinical departments. The chest lesions account for 90 to 92%. Liao’s summary of the five major hospitals in China since 1960 after 18 cases of sarcoidosis involving the parotid in 3 cases, invasion and iridociliary body in 1 case. I have not yet seen a case report of sarcoidosis with Hee-rfordt’s syndrome. This article reports 1 case and its clinical diagnosis of differential diagnosis slightly discussed. Patient, female, 30 years old. Chief complaint of both eyes and face swelling, dry mouth blurred vision in February, anti-inflammatory treatment is invalid suspected tumor in September 11, 1982 newly diagnosed. Check double eyelid swelling, double orbital touch on the mass.