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党的十一届三中全会以来,我省乡镇企业发展较快,已成为农业生产、农民致富的一支重要力量。根据中共中央中发[1984]4号文件精神,各级乡镇企业管理部门,除指导管理乡镇举办的企业之外,还要把部分社员联营的合作企业、其他形式的合作工业和个体企业纳入指导的管理范围之内。但是,目前,我省各级乡镇企业管理机构的设置不适应乡镇企业发展的要求。为了加快我省乡镇企业的发展,现对我省乡镇企业管理机构设置等问题通知如下:一、省社队企业管理局改称为省乡镇企业管理局。通化、白城地区行署设立乡镇企业管理处。长春市、吉林市、四平市、辽源市、延边自治州和各县(市)单独设置乡镇企业管理局(现设有社队企业管理局的,可改称为乡镇企业管理局;已设立多种经营局(委 Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, the rapid development of township and village enterprises in our province has become an important force for agricultural production and for farmers to become rich. According to the document No. 4 [1984] issued by the CPC Central Committee, township and town enterprise administrations at all levels, in addition to enterprises that direct and manage townships and townships, incorporate cooperative enterprises and other forms of cooperative industries and self-employed enterprises of some members into the guidelines Within the scope of management. However, at present, the arrangement of the management organs of township enterprises at all levels in our province does not meet the requirements of the development of township enterprises. In order to speed up the development of township and village enterprises in our province, we hereby notify the following issues concerning the establishment of the management organs of township and town enterprises in our province. First, the provincial commune-owned enterprise management bureau is renamed as the provincial township and town enterprise administration bureau. Tonghua, Baicheng Administrative Office set up township enterprises. Township and Enterprise Administration Bureau is set up separately in Changchun, Jilin, Siping, Liaoyuan, Yanbian Autonomous Prefecture and counties (cities) (now with the administration of the commune and commune enterprises, it may be renamed as the township and village enterprises administration bureau; Bureau (Commission
为了贯彻中共中央、国务院中发[1983]35号文件*中关于建立乡财政的决定,促进农村经济和各项事业的发展,调动乡(镇)政府组织财政收入、管好财政支出的积极 In order to impl
《咬文嚼字》2006年第2期刊有《〈鸟的天堂〉中的一处误改》一文,该文能以事实为依据,指出大作家巴金的笔误,体现了实事求是的精神,读来很受启发。可能作者不是 “Bite the
为了认真贯彻执行国务院《关于加强预算外资金管理的决定》(国发[1996]29号),省政府同意财政厅《关于加强省级预算外专项基金管理的意见》,现批转你们,请遵照执行。 In ord