一、小管径通球清管的实用意义目前川东地区气田大多采用多井集气工艺,支线的管径多数为 Dg100,支管长度最长的为7~8公里。采用常规的加热输气工艺,解决不了游离水的分离及饱和水的脱出问题。因此,在管线低洼处积为水封段,温度较高时,气流冲破水封,携带水粒成为两相流动,低温季节水封段形成水化物堵死管道,无法输气。为了解决这一矛盾,我们曾试验过加注防冻剂和降压输送,但效果有限。现采用通球清管工艺,及时排除管内积液,使管线畅通,保
First, the small diameter of the ball through the tube of practical significance At present, most gas fields in eastern Sichuan using multi-well gas gathering process, the branch diameter of the majority of Dg100, the longest branch length of 7 to 8 km. Using conventional heating gas transmission process, can not solve the separation of free water and saturated water prolapse problems. Therefore, in the low-lying pipeline plot for the water seal, the temperature is high, the air burst through the water seal, carrying water particles into a two-phase flow, low temperature season, the formation of hydrant blocking section of the water seal, unable to gas. In order to solve this contradiction, we have tried to add antifreeze and antihypertensive delivery, but the effect is limited. Is the adoption of ball pigging process, the timely removal of the pipe fluid, the pipeline flow, Paul