东方哲学的“神奇魔力” 法雷利公司到底从《道德经》里面悟出了什么?又采取了哪些“灵丹妙药”的措施呢? 从上班握手与拥抱中打造团队精神。握手、拥抱等礼仪虽然源自西方,但英国人并不轻易跟别人握手或拥抱。人人彬彬有礼,总保持着一定的距离。法雷利公司的新“规矩”打破了陈规。职员们早晨来公司上班时,要先和办公室里的其他同事
The “Magic Magic” of Eastern Philosophy What did Fareli’s company realize from the “Diagram of Morality” and what “magic drugs” were adopted? Create a team spirit from hands-on handshakes and hugs. Although the etiquettes such as handshake and hug originated in the West, Britons do not easily shake hands or embrace with others. Everyone is polite and always maintains a certain distance. Fareli’s new “rules” broke the stereotypes. When employees come to work in the morning, they must first work with other colleagues in the office.