启示之一 中国的社会文化 背景与德国有趋同的一面,这是我们引进、借鉴德国企业经营管理理念、做法与经营模式的思想文化基础。 在社会价值追求方面,中国与德国一样,都受传统文化的影响,都追求社会均富、集体主义和道德责任与义务;在思维方式方面,中国人与德国人都具有深刻的思辨意识和思辨精神;在经济发展方面,都起步于农业经济,而且具有浓厚的本土色彩,如此等等。毋庸置疑,尽管我们对儒家文化进行了大规模政治上和文化上的批判,但是我们不得不承认“唯财是举”的美国模式不适应中国本土文化。
Enlightenment One of China’s social and cultural backgrounds has a convergence with Germany. This is the ideological and cultural basis for us to introduce and learn from German business management concepts, practices and business models. In the pursuit of social values, China and Germany, like Germany, are affected by traditional culture. They all pursue social wealth, collectivism, and moral responsibility and obligation. In the way of thinking, both Chinese and Germans have a deep sense of speculation and speculation. Spirit; In economic development, all started in the agricultural economy, but also has a strong local color, and so on. Needless to say, despite our large-scale political and cultural criticism of Confucian culture, we have to admit that the American model of “wealth is forcible” does not adapt to China’s indigenous culture.