《建筑安装工程质量检验评定统一标准》(GBJ 300-88,以下简称《统一标准》)告诉我们:单位工程的质量等级应由三大部分的内容组成和确定,即分部工程质量、质量保证资料和观感质量。为便于掌握和实施,《统一标准》附录四单位工程观感质量评定表还详细列出了观感检验的项目,共44项,其中仅建筑工程就有21项。实践告诉我们,其中不少项目不是仅凭观感就能作出判定的。大家知道,所谓“观”者,看也,“感”者在这里是通过
The “Unified Standard for Quality Inspection and Assessment of Construction and Installation Engineering” (GBJ 300-88, hereinafter referred to as “uniform standard”) tells us that the quality level of a unit project should be composed and determined by the content of three major components, that is, the quality of the project, the quality assurance Information and perception of quality. In order to facilitate the mastery and implementation of the project, the “Unitary Project Perceived Quality Rating Form” of Appendix 4 of the “Unified Standard” also details 44 items of perception test, of which only 21 are for construction projects. Practice tells us that many of these projects can not make judgments based on perception alone. We all know that so-called “viewers” see, too, “senses” are passed here