几乎就是在一夜之间,无线通讯成为一种时尚。而且,电子商务也成为业内业外时髦人士的时髦话题。显然,将二者完美结合的无线电子商务,成为众多业内经营者青眼有加的宠儿。首先,是 Amazon.com 宣布与美国著名通讯公司 Sprint 合作,将在 Sprint PCS 上进行网络电话购物;而就在同一天,微软也宣布与全球最大的电信设备制造商之一爱立信(Erisson)携手,共同开发无线网络的点对点解决方案。那么,微软有没有可能越过有线网络提供商(ISP),而集全
Almost overnight, wireless communication has become a fashion. Moreover, e-commerce has also become fashionable in the industry outside the fashionable personage topic. Obviously, the perfect combination of the two wireless e-commerce has become the darling of many business owners. First, Amazon.com announced that it will partner with Sprint, a leading communications company in the United States, to make Internet phone shopping on Sprint PCS. On the same day, Microsoft also announced its partnership with Erisson, one of the world’s largest telecom equipment manufacturers, Joint development of wireless network point-to-point solutions. So, Microsoft is likely to cross the cable network provider (ISP), and set all