伟哥 (枸橼酸昔多芬 )的作用不仅仅限于治疗男性勃起功能障碍。以色列和澳大利亚的学者已经发现小浓度的伟哥溶于花瓶中能使插花的生存期加倍 ,使这些花比自然状态下多直立 1周。他们对草莓、豆荚、玫瑰、康乃馨、椰菜花及其他一些易死的花草进行了伟哥的药物实验。在这些最新?
Viagra (sildenafil citrate) is not limited to the treatment of male erectile dysfunction. Scholars in Israel and Australia have found that dissolving a small concentration of Viagra in a vase doubles the survival of flower arrangements and allows them to stand upright for more than one week in their natural state. They experimented with Viagra on strawberries, pods, roses, carnations, cauliflower and other easy-to-die flowers. In these latest?