夏日的朝阳拨开了连日阴雨浓浓的雾云。运动会终于如期召开了。准备已久的南京市航空航天学会应用技术进修学院和兰天科技进修学院联合召开的田径运动会终于在南京航空航天大学田径场拉开了序幕。 6月7日上午8时30分,运动会开幕式上,在运动员进行曲中,仪仗队运动员高举着鲜艳的彩旗,迈着整齐的步伐雄赳赳地走在队伍的最前头。接着是以专业班为单位的运动员方队,运动
Summer sun set aside a thick rainy day fog clouds. Games finally held as scheduled. The long-awaited Nanjing Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Institute of Applied Technology and Lan Tian Technology Training Academy jointly held the track and field will finally kicked off at the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics track and field. At 8:30 on June 7, at the opening ceremony of the Games, in honor of the athletes, the honor guard athletes held brightly colored flags and marched neatly at the head of the team. Followed by professional classes as a unit of athletes square team, sports