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广(州)梅(县)汕(头)铁路常平至惠阳段,1989年元月28日破土动工。为什么在常平接轨而不在仙村接轨?新线与旧线的接轨点选择及其线路走向,取决于新线的作用。如系国家投资,当然在仙村接轨合理。但本线是由地方集资,就得尊重地方利益。粤东地区紧邻香港和经济特区,亟待改进交通条件,以完善投资环境,因而决定了该线在常平接轨是适宜的。交通现状和布局,矿产资源分布和开发,决定了该线的走向,本线在常平乃至布吉接轨是符合国家长远利益的。其一,深圳盐田港是我国适于建大型深水港为数不多的优良港址,1990年可形成吞吐能力150万吨,全部建成可 Guang (state) Mei (county) Shantou (head) Railway Changping to Huiyang section, January 28, 1989 broke ground. Why in the Changping and not in immortal village convergence? The choice between the new line and the old line and its route will depend on the role of the new line. If the country’s investment, of course, fairy village convergence. However, this line is funded by the local governments and they must respect local interests. The eastern part of Guangdong is close to Hong Kong and the special economic zones. It is urgent to improve the traffic conditions so as to improve the investment environment. Therefore, it is appropriate to determine that the line should be in line with Changping. Traffic conditions and layout, the distribution and development of mineral resources, determines the trend of the line, the line in line with Buji or even in line with the long-term interests of the country. First, Yantian Port in Shenzhen is one of the few good harbor sites suitable for building large-scale deep-water ports in our country. In 1990, it could have a throughput of 1.5 million tons and all of them could be completed
本文介绍日本DD51型内燃机车在莫桑比克运用情况的调查结果,同时还介绍了莫桑比克国铁内燃机车的现状。 This article presents the findings of a survey on the use of DD
国家物价局经国务院批准,于1991年3月13日发文,决定自1991年3月1日起提高铁路货物运价。 With the approval of the State Council, the State Price Bureau issued a docu
编辑同忘: 我是一个青年农民,亲身体会到农村的生活有了很大改善,但就是在能源上没有什么改变。我经常帮助家里烧火做饭,感到烧火既要花很多人工,又要消耗很多柴禾,一遇上刮
本文介绍了图佳线上一座旧桥的移梁施工过程。这种桥在旧线上比较多,因此可供有关设计和施工部门参考。 This article introduces the moving beam construction process of
大同分局的湖东站是属于中小驼峰编组站,采用哈尔滨铁路局减速顶调速系统研究中心设计的“微机控制可控顶自动调速系统”,该 Datong Hu Dong station is belonged to the sm