毛泽东是在上个世纪深深影响并将继续影响中国历史发展进程的伟人。他波澜壮阔的一生、博学多能的才干及为中国人民建立的丰功伟绩,不是一篇文章所能叙述议论得了的。本文仅就贯穿其一生的人民情怀谈一些感受与认识。 毛泽东出身于一个普通的纯粹的农民家庭。或许正是注意到了这一点,基辛格博士在回忆起毛泽东时特意强调:“他是中国南方一个农民的儿子。”
Mao Zedong was a great man who profoundly influenced and will continue to influence the course of the development of Chinese history in the last century. His magnificent life, capable of learning a great deal, and the great accomplishments established for the Chinese people are not what an article can say and talk about. This article talks about feelings and perceptions of people throughout their lives. Mao Zedong was born in an ordinary pure peasant family. It is perhaps noticed that Dr. Kissinger specifically remembered Mao Zedong: “He is the son of a peasant in southern China.”