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  Nike andMichaelJordan
  Nike is one of the world’s best-known shoe and apparel(饰物) companies with annual revenues (税收) more than $1 billion. It markets running shoes, walking shoes, basketball shoes, jogging suits, and many other related products. Yet, despite its success, Nike( like many of its competitors) relies heavily on celebrity(名声,名人) endorsements(认可) to stimulate consumer sales.
  And over the past few years, Nike has capitalized on one of the best celebrity endorsements in sports history: Michael Jordan for Air Jordan basketball shoes and clothing. In the first two years on the market, Nike sold two million pairs of Air Jordan; and sales from the shoes and clothing reached $100 million. Michael Jordan’s fee? $2.5 million over five years, a royalty on all items sold, and number of fringe benefits(福利).
  Nike’s promotion efforts for Air Jordan have been impressive. It decided to hire Michael Jordan after he starred for and co-captained the gold-medal winning 1984 US Olympic basketball team. He has since become an exciting popular player in the National Basketball Association. The name Air Jordan was gained from the shoe’s air-sole and Michael Jordan’s name. The original shoe was a high-top black and red model, designed to be functional, and fashionable. Magazine and television commercials, for which Nike has invested $5 million, have shown Jordan leaping, blocking shots, and “slam dunking(扣篮)”. Enormous billboards of him in action also have appeared in major cities. Mc Donald’s and coke commercials featuring Jordan have enhanced his public stature. Nike received early publicity when the Chicago Bulls(his basketball team) refused to let Jordan wear the red and black shoes, since they didn’t match the team’s colors. After getting hardness everywhere, Nike supplied Jordan with shoes in the Bull’s colors, and took out ads teasing(取笑) the National Basketball Association.
  1. The passage mainly intends to tell us that______.
  A. Nike is a success
  B. Michael Jordan is a famous basketball player
  C. Nike is model companies
   D. Firms can make use of famous people to promote sales
  2. The underlined phrase “capitalized on” in the second paragraph means ______.
  A. got loans from B. invested money in
  C. got capital from D. made use of
  3. It can be known from this passage that ______.
  A. Michael Jordan made a great contribution to American basketball in 1984
  B. the name Air Jordan comes from Michael Jordan’s name
  C. the name Air Jordan comes from the shoe’s name
  D. Nike designed the shoes for pilots
  4. In some major cities, there are advertisements that feature Jordan _______.
  A. drinking wine
  B. playing basketball
  C. drinking coke and coffee
  D. playing with children
  5. It can be concluded from this passage that ______.
  A. both Jordan and Nike benefited from advertising
  B. Nike could not have survived without Jordan
  C. the American National Basketball Association also depends heavily on Jordan
  D. the Chicago Bulls hated Jordan because he did not wear shoes in the Bull’s colors.
  1. D根据文章第一段最后一句话“耐克公司利用名人的认可来刺激销售额”可知此题答案是D。
  2. D根据划线短语所在句子的含义推测“在过去的几年,耐克公司利用体育史上最著名的名人的认可” A. 从……获得贷款, B. 把钱投资在……, C. 从……获得资金, D. 利用 , 因此答案是D。
  3. A根据文章第三段第一句话“在乔丹担任美国篮球队队长,由于出色表现美国篮球队在1984年获得奥运会金牌之后,耐克公司决定雇佣乔丹”,可推测出“乔丹在1984年为美国篮球作出了巨大贡献。
  4. B根据文章第三段中间“Magazine and television commercials, for which Nike has invested $5 million, have shown Jordan leaping, blocking shots, and “slam dunking (扣篮).” Enormous billboards of him in action also have appeared in major cities.”可知在主要的大城市,有一些乔丹在打篮球的特写的广告,因此答案是B。
  5. A根据文章第二段 “In the first two years on the market, Nike sold two million pairs of Air Jordan; and sales from the shoes and clothing reached $100 million. Michael Jordan’s fee? $2.5 million over five years, a royalty on all items sold, and number of fringe benefits(福利).” 可知,乔丹和耐克公司都从广告中获益。
编者语:完成句子是在具体的语境中,灵活运用英语语言知识,考查语言输出能力;既考查词汇储量,又凸显英语语法知识这类试题。由显性的考查变成隐性的测试,加强和升华了语法知识在具体语言环境中的运用,体现了语言的交际性原则。    一、从谓语动词的变化形式入手    谓语动词的变化主要体现在时态和语态上,这是处理完成句子的基本点。动词时态共计16种,常用的有9种,其中较难掌握的结构是(以do为例): be
自1992年以来,成语(包括熟语)的辨析一直是高考试题的必考考点之一。很多学生认为成语成千上万条,积累量大,面对试题,有时真难以下手。其实如果我们在日常生活中注意积累并掌握一些辨析方法与技巧,此类试题是可以迎刃而解的。  高考成语命题时,一般从以下几个方面设置考点:    一、望文生义    【例1】(2009年重庆卷第3题A项):他是一个处事谨慎的人,一向奉行君子之交淡如水的原则,所以很少交朋友
一、“口是心非”型    英语中有些结构和句子从表面上看是肯定形式,但却表示否定意义。如:  This box is too heavy for him to carry upstairs by himself.  这箱子太重了,他无法独自搬上楼。  He has had anything but money with him now.  现在他已身无分文。  I think he is the
平行结构是英语写作中最为常见的表现手段,它的巧用可以为高考作文增色不少,但是很少有学生能把它发挥到极致。原因只有一点,没有完全弄清英语平行结构的基本要求和常见的语法形式。  平行结构的基本要求:同等重要的、并列的成分(思想、概念)要用同类的语法结构形式表现。最为常见的语法形式莫过于并列连词了。它们所连接的部分应该是对等的——名词对名词,动词对动词,副词对副词,形容词对形容词,分词对分词,不定式对不
英语学习中,经常见到许多表示原因和理由的介词,为便于同学们的学习,本文归纳整理了12种情况:  1. because of (短语介词)  But it’s because of hard work — ten years of hard work. 但是,这是因为劳累—— 10年劳累的缘故。  2. out of (复合介词)  She did so out of pity. 她这样做是出于怜悯
第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)  第一节(共5小题;每小题15分,满分7.5分)  听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
(一)    国务院日前向全国各机构下发《关于限制生产销售使用塑料购物袋的通知》。请根据以下提示,用英语写一篇150词左右的短文,简述该规定的有关内容,并就此谈谈你的看法。    From June 1, 2008, China will ban shops from offering plastic shopping bags for free.  _______________________
新课程标准实验课本(9) Unit 1有这么一句:To regret one’s errors to the point of not repeating them is true repentance. 这是美国著名作家Ernest Hemingway的一句至理名言,意为:对自己的错误悔恨到永不再犯的地步是真正的悔改。  regret是一个重点词,也是个常考词。它既可以用作动词,又可以用作名词;
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Sonora Dodd, of Washington, first had the idea of a“father’s day”. She thought of the idea for Father’s Day while listening to a Mother’s Day sermon in 1909.  Sonora wanted a special day to honor her