
来源 :民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:victorwyd
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本文运用最新的资料,分析了改革开放以来我国民族地区的城市发展现状、城市化水平及特点。文章指出,民族地区在设市过程中,有以下三种特殊情况:一是县(旗)、自治县改市,二是镇改市,三是撤地设市或县级市升格为地级市。与全国及沿海发达地区相比,民族地区的城市化水平低且发展不平衡,城市发展以小城市为主,城市综合经济实力较弱,还存在着“超城市化”的现象。文章强调,为了加快民族地区的经济发展,提高民族地区的城市化水平,就必须加快小城镇建设步伐。文章最后对民族地区的小城镇建设模式及相关问题进行了比较研究,认为不能完全照搬发达地区的经验模式,而应根据各地的实际情况进行选择。 Based on the latest information, this paper analyzes the status quo of urban development, the level of urbanization and its characteristics in the ethnic areas in our country since the reform and opening up. The article points out that in the course of setting up a market in ethnic areas, there are the following three special situations: First, the county (flag) and autonomous county have changed cities; second, the town has changed its market; third, it has set up a municipal or county-level city and upgraded to a prefecture-level city . Compared with the developed areas in the whole country and the coastal areas, the urbanization level in ethnic areas is low and the development is not balanced. Urban development is dominated by small cities and urban comprehensive economic strength is weak. There is also the phenomenon of “hyper-urbanization.” The article emphasizes that in order to speed up the economic development in ethnic areas and improve the urbanization level in ethnic areas, we must speed up the pace of building small towns. At the end of the article, a comparative study is made on the mode of construction of small towns in ethnic areas and related issues, and the conclusion is that they can not completely copy the experience patterns of developed regions and should be selected according to the actual conditions in different places.
<正> 天然茶晶奇缺,价格昂贵,应用受到限制。通过~(60)Coγ射线对无色天然水晶进行辐照,使之变成茶色,其质量与天然茶晶相同,价格则大幅度降低,仅为天然茶晶的百分之一。这一
1987—1988年,对6个籼稻和3个粳稻品种用8.34—291.9Gy<sup>60</sup>Co Υ射线处理,研究其在离体培养过程中的表现。结果表明:无论是刺激效应,还是抑制效应,在水稻种子外植体
摘 要:小学阶段作为基础教育阶段的基础部分,是培养学生良好学习习惯和不断增强学习兴趣的过程。尤其是语文教学,作为母语学科,形成良好的语言学习习惯将影响学生终身。在小学语文课程理念的不断改革中,绘本教学的理念逐渐引入到小学语文中,本文是笔者通过自身的教学实践,谈一谈绘本教学在当前小学语文教学中的运用。  关键词:绘本教学;小学语文;教学运用  语文作为母语学科,在小学教育阶段占有重要地位,对学生其他